How can I begin to thank you for all your efforts to put together, and guide, us on our African safari? It isn’t often that people are in a position to make someone’s dream come true, but that’s what you did for me. I was 8 years old when I set my sights on becoming a wildlife biologist and one day seeing the wildlife of Africa. I became the wildlife biologist far before coming to Africa though, and after a decades-long wait, I finally made it! Richard, you can confirm, I was the one with tears in my eyes several times after some especially awe-inspiring animal encounters. The emotion comes from being so deeply grateful for those encounters and for the conservation efforts of countless people, including yourselves, that enabled me to still see these spectacular creatures in the wild. This trip would not be possible without Richard’s expert guidance and Amanda’s careful planning (and astounding patience with my endless questions). I will treasure our new friendship, the funny moments, and hope to bring even more people with me in the coming years!
Terry Lawson Dunn